
Donate now and support SOS Dolfijn!

Yes, I want to help whales and dolphins in need by becoming a benefactor

  • I hereby authorize the SOS Dolfijn foundation to, until resignation, collect the following amount of money in the mentioned frequency from my bank account:

  • Please fill in the complete form, the amount of the donation (minimum is € 3,- monthly or € 30,- yearly, the frequency of your donation (monthly or yearly) and your bank account number.

  • *Required field for all foreign bank accounts

  • Terms and conditions:

  • By filling in this donation form you are giving the SOS Dolfijn foundation permission (ID number NL43ZZZ081356390000) to send a continuous collection order to your bank. Your bank will collect money from your bank account by the frequency and the amount as filled in on this form. (p)

  • If you don't agree to the continuous collection, you can ask for a refund by contacting your bank within a period of eight weeks (p)

  • Benefactors data:

  • All the fields marked with an asterisk must be filled in. We thank you for caring and becoming a supporter!



Save us!

Our team is available every day for animals in need. You are an indispensable link to continue offering them help. Because only with your support we can continue to do our work.




Friends of SOS Dolfijn





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